Nocturnal Blend is a deck editing game that uses the mixing of elements to obtain a specific number within a range defined by basic arithmetic.

The player will be able to follow the protagonist's journey by making stops at small islands to interact with, on a screen that will show the boat sailing in the open sea, after which it will switch to “alchemy mode”, where the elements needed to make the mixtures to conjure darkness will be displayed.

One night, Laji flees her homeland by sailing a small boat across the ocean in search of land to call home. In order to hide from possible interceptors who would put an end to her journey, Laji will make different amalgamations of elements with which to conjure a darkness to shelter her, until she finds a safe place to moor her boat.

This is not the complete game, this is a very limited sample that shows its concept and gameplay.

Game made for the Pirate Jam 15, july 2024. GDD of Nocturnal Blend available here.


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Hey, this is the staff from NTCM Games! In this podcast we talk about "Nocturnal Blend" and Pirate Jam 15 (it's in Spanish): charla insomne #67